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Марка Duesenberg возродится с коаксиальным мотором и новой суперподвеской!

Тема в разделе "Другие марки", создана пользователем Turok, 22 июн 2005.

  1. Turok

    Turok интронавт

    В клубе с:
    13 мар 2004


  2. sta'

    sta' Участник тусовки

    В клубе с:
    16 май 2005
    Очень интеерсный машин! :thumbup: Правда, с такими техническими решениями сервисное обслуживание только у него на родине...
  3. Flying Dutch

    Flying Dutch Старики-разбойники

    В клубе с:
    15 ноя 2002
    ИМХО дальше создания прототипа для продвижения чудо-мотора дело не пойдет.

    Duesenberg славились своими уникально мощными для своего времени двигателями, а не моторчиками от газонокосилок компактных размеров с амлыи расходом топлива.

    Разачарован сильно. Второго шанса по возвращению Великой Марки не будет никогда. :mad:
  4. Flying Dutch

    Flying Dutch Старики-разбойники

    В клубе с:
    15 ноя 2002



    Errett Lobban Cord, the owner of Cord Automobile, Auburn Automobile and many other transportation companies, bought the company for the Duesenberg Brothers' engineering skills in 1925 and the brand name to produce luxury cars. Hiring Fred Duesenberg to design the carriage and an engine that would be the best in the world, the newly revived Duesenberg company set about to produce the Model J. The Model J Duesenberg was first available at the New York Car Show of 1928. Only the chassis was displayed since the interior and mechanics of the car would be custom made by hand, to the owner's specifications. The base model cost $8,500 United States dollars (about $100,000 US in 2004) and for $12,500 US you could have the top of the line 400 hp (300 kW) car that had a top speed of 150 mph (241 km/h). Quickly the Duesey became one of the most famous cars in America, owned by the rich and famous, among them Clark Gable and the Duke of Windsor. Duesenberg advertising claimed that it was the best car in the world. From 1928 to 1937, the Model J was built, the base model had a power of 265 hp (198 kW) and a top speed of 119 mph (192 km/h). The SJ was introduced in 1932 boasting an engine with 320 hp (239 kW) that could go at a top speed of 130 mph (209 km/h). Duesenberg ceased production in 1937 after Cord's financial empire collapsed. Four hundred twenty-seven Model Js and SJs had been produced between 1928 and 1937, and in all 650 Duesenbergs had been made
  5. MikeSlay

    MikeSlay slayerized

    В клубе с:
    26 мар 2004
    Фиг с ним с мотором :D , но магнитная подвеска мозг водителя не разрушит? Дискетки с кассетами точно сотрутся :D
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