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Porsche Новый Кайман - презентация 28.11.12!

Тема в разделе "Porsche", создана пользователем Interpol_friend, 10 ноя 2012.

  1. Interpol_friend

    Interpol_friend Завсегдатай

    В клубе с:
    17 июн 2008
    On a path to success in the world’s largest Porsche market with two world premieres
    Porsche at the 2012 Los Angeles Auto Show

    Stuttgart. Porsche is carrying on its sustained success in the USA with the reveal of a world premiere and a US premiere at the 2012 Los Angeles Auto Show. The USA continues to be the world’s largest Porsche market. In the first ten months of this year, Porsche delivered 28,226 vehicles there, of which 9,764 were sports cars. That represents a 13 per cent gain compared to last year. In October 2012 alone, 3,211 new Porsche cars were delivered to customers for a substantial 41 per cent gain compared to the same month last year.

    The world premiere of a compact sports car at the LA Auto Show will give added dynamic impetus to this trend. Porsche is presenting the new vehicle to the international media for the first time at a press conference at 12:05 pm on November 28 at the Porsche show booth. Celebrating its US debut at the show is the 911 Carrera 4, which can be clearly made out by its prominent broad rear section and red rear light strip between the rear lights. The typical Porsche all-wheel drive layout – which emphasises driving of the rear wheels – guarantees maximum driving performance in this latest 911 version on a wide variety of road surfaces and in all weather conditions. With these two sports car premieres, Porsche is creating ideal conditions for continued sales success in the world’s largest Porsche market.



    Further information and pictures for journalists and media representatives can be found on the Porsche press database at http://presse.porsche.de/.
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