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вопросы получения международных прав на управление парусной яхтой

Тема в разделе "Яхт клуб", создана пользователем ish, 23 июл 2008.

  1. ish

    ish шыр
    Команда форума    

    В клубе с:
    11 авг 2001
    Корея Северная
    так как X5 на соляре меня из своей темы выгнал.. то продолжу тут..

    вот прислали сегодня, что надо сдавать на парусник..

    по программе RYA - Royal Yachting Association ( http://www.rya.org.uk/Pages/Home.aspx )

    The Day Skipper Course is conducted on board a cruising yacht (7 to 15m LOA), to reach pilotage, navigation, seamanship and boat handling up to the standard required to skipper a small cruising yacht safely by day in tidal waters with which the student is familiar.

    Preparation for sea
    Is able to prepare a yacht for sea, including engine checks, selection of sails, securing and stowage of all gear on deck and below

    Deck work
    Can reef, shake out reefs and change sails to suit prevailing conditions

    Can prepare an anchor, mooring warps and take charge on deck when mooring alongside, coming to a buoy, anchoring, weighing anchor and slipping from a buoy or an alongside berth

    Is proficient in chartwork and routine navigational duties on passage including:
    Taking and plotting visual fixes
    Use of electronic navigation equipment for position fixing
    Use of waypoints
    Working up DR and EP
    Estimating tidal heights and tidal streams
    Working out course to steer to allow for tidal stream, leeway and drift
    Knowledge of IALA buoyage
    Maintenance of navigational records
    Use of echo sounder and lead line
    Can prepare and execute a pilotage plan for entry into, or departure from, harbour

    Understands the use of leading and clearing lines

    Use of transits and soundings as aids to pilotage

    Knows sources of forecast information

    Can interpret shipping forecasts and use a barometer as a forecasting aid

    Rule of the road
    Has a working knowledge of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea

    Maintenance and repair work
    Understands and is able to carry out maintenance tasks

    Knows the properties and uses of common synthetic fibre ropes

    Knows how to change fuel and water filters, pump impeller and to bleed the fuel system

    Understands how to victual a yacht

    Emergency situations
    Is able to take correct action as skipper for recovery of man overboard

    Understands distress flares and how to use a liferaft

    Can operate a radiotelephone in an emergency and send a distress message

    Understand how to secure a tow

    Understands rescue procedures including helicopter rescue

    Yacht handling under power
    Can bring a boat safely to and from an alongside berth, mooring buoy and anchor under various conditions of wind and tide

    Yacht handling under sail
    Can bring a boat safely to and from a mooring buoy and anchor under various conditions of wind and tide

    Can steer and trim sales effectively on all points of sailing

    Passage making
    Can plan and make a coastal passage, taking account of relevant navigational hazards and limitations imposed by the type of boat and the strength of the crew
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  2. ish

    ish шыр
    Команда форума    

    В клубе с:
    11 авг 2001
    Корея Северная
    Coastal Skipper – Tidal Syllabus

    The aim of the course is to teach the skills and techniques required to skipper a cruising yacht (7-15m LOA) safely on coastal and offshore passages by day and night.

    Passage planning
    Can plan a coastal passage including a consideration of the capability of the yacht, navigation, victualling, weather, ports of refuge, tidal heights and tidal streams, publications require and strategy.

    Knows Customs procedures

    Preparation for the sea
    Is aware of safety equipment required for offshore passages
    Can prepare a yacht for sea including stowage, safety briefing, watch keeping, delegating responsibilities and equipment and engine checks

    Can prepare a pilotage plane, with consideration of soundings, transits, clearing bearings, buoyage, port or harbour regulations and tidal considerations
    Can pilot a yacht by day and night

    Passage making and ability as skipper
    Can take charge of a yacht and direct the crew
    Can organise the navigation, deckwork and domestic duties of a yacht on passage
    Is aware of the significance of meteorological trends
    Is aware of crew welfare on passage
    Can use electronic navigational equipment for planning and undertaking a passage, including the use of waypoints and routes

    Yacht handling under power
    Can control the yacht effectively in a confined space under power
    All berthing and unberthing situations in various conditions of wind and tide

    Yacht handling under sail
    Can use the sails to control the yacht in a confined space
    Anchoring and mooring in various conditions of wind and tide
    Can sail efficiently on all points of sailing

    Adverse weather conditions
    Preparation for heavy weather and yacht handling in strong winds
    Navigation and general conduct in restricted visibility

    Emergency situations
    Recovery of a man overboard under power and sail
    Understands action to be taken when abandoning to the liferaft and during helicopter and lifeboat rescues
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